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4 vitamins that are good for the summer

During the summer, your nutritional needs change. That is why it is important to adapt it to the season. The same goes for vitamins. You may be wondering what the best strains are to take at this time of year. Do you need something specific? Or should you just stick with what you've always used? There are a few supplements you may want to consider during the summer months. We list them here.

Vitamin C

Use plenty of vitamin C if you're out in the sun a lot. The ascorbic acid in vitamin C helps keep your sweat glands in good shape. Vitamin C is also a preventative step toward protecting your body from the heat during the summer months. According to research, vitamin C helps your body cope better with high temperatures and can prevent serious problems caused by excessive heat. Vitamin C, an important antioxidant, also protects the skin from sun damage and improves the production of collagen in the skin. Eating a lot of fruit in the summer can provide higher levels of vitamin C or you can take extra vitamin C through a supplement.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects your skin from damage during the warm months of summer. It can also be used for increasing physical endurance and muscle strength. Vitamin E also boosts your energy. Tofu, nuts and spinach are packed with vitamin E. Lean meats, beef, lamb and fatty fish are also good choices to add more of this essential vitamin to your diet.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is important in many vital processes in our body. Our body can make its own vitamin D from sunlight. If you spend a decent amount of time in the sun each week, you obviously don't need to take vitamin D. However, if you start to show signs of vitamin D deficiency (growth problems, muscle weakness, cramps, depression, fatigue, listlessness, lack of energy, reduced resistance, bad teeth and an increased risk of bone fractures), it is wise to use it. People with dark skin, the elderly and people who don't get out much generally need more vitamin D. Young women, children, vegetarians and vegans also often have a higher risk of deficiency. With vitamin D3 you get a safe and responsible dose, and you can be sure that you get enough vitamin D every day.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps your body repair sun-damaged skin and is arguably one of the best options for fighting fine lines and pigmentation. If you use anti-aging products that contain retinol, you may already know the benefits of vitamin A for your skin. To get vitamin A naturally, eat dark leafy green vegetables, yellow peppers, kiwis and strawberries.