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These tricks will help prevent you from stopping training after 1 month

Do you keep putting off going to the gym the first day? Is today the “Monday” you thought you were starting from? Here are 10 ways to motivate yourself to bring sport into your life.

Don't think about the beginning
Don't be afraid to be a “black sheep”. Not everyone is born with a perfect body. People at the gym look in the mirror to make sure they are doing exercises correctly, not to mock and mock newcomers.

Pretend it's a game
Try to play with the concept. Take a calendar and mark each training day with a red cross. Your task will be to make a continuous series of crosses as long as you can.

Buy beautiful sportswear
Some researchers claim that a red sports suit increases the chance of success. This is exactly what you need.

Find a gym near your home
This helps to avoid excuses such as “bad weather”, “my bike tire is flat” and “I will go tomorrow or the day after”.

Create an atmosphere
Listening to your favorite music can affect your mood and give you positive emotions. Training in a good mood is already 50% of your success.

Take a 3-month subscription
If you've spent your money, you'll be extra motivated. Don't take the annual membership at the very beginning – start with one small step and one day you'll make it right.

Make a plan
Plan your gym visits and think about what, when and how you're going to do it. This will help you organize your future workouts and free you from confusion when you hit the gym for the first time.

Prepare your sports bag in advance
This is a good trick to avoid using “No, I don't have time today” excuses.

Get a personal trainer
A good personal trainer is a "magic kick" that won't stop you during a workout. With the help of a professional you can achieve really good results.

Treat yourself something nice at the end of the month
Buy a gift, big or small. You really deserve it.