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Winter time and stay fit

It can't have escaped your notice, the days are getting extremely short again. Time for candles, cozy on the couch and cocooning! Soon you can't avoid it if you move less. And no matter how well you do your best to compensate for this with healthy food, before you know it you will gain some pounds. Don't you like gyms to keep moving, but do you like fresh wind through your hair? Then kill 2 birds with one stone and move in the open air. One of the best ways to stay fit is to walk regularly. It is a simple activity with great effect. Dress warmly and enjoy the fall! We spoke to Weight Watchers, who offers some tips.

Multiple benefits
Walking improves circulation, mobility and sense of balance. In addition, it helps with weight loss and can even prevent osteoporosis. What are you waiting for?

The power of nature
All you need for a walk is a good pair of hiking boots! In summer it can sometimes be too hot for outdoor physical activities. So take advantage of the fall. The lower temperatures make you feel much fresher and more active. When you brave low temperatures, wind, rain and bright sun, it's like being part of nature. Another advantage of autumn is that fewer people go outside. Enjoy the peace and quiet!

Remember that good preparation is important for any sporting activity, including when you go for a walk. This reduces the chance of injuries. So use the following tips, they will also keep you nice and warm!
• Start slow and give your muscles time to warm up.
• Walk at a moderate or moderate pace:if taking large and fast steps increases the risk of injury.
• Take plenty of water with you.
• Try to walk with the wind as much as possible, especially in the beginning.

Clothing Tips
1. Wear multiple layers. It is better to wear several layers. The first layer should fit snugly so that the cold cannot penetrate your body. For the other layers, choose clothes that you can easily put on and take off if you get too hot or too cold.

2. Hat and gloves. Put something warm on your head, put a scarf around your neck and take your gloves with you. If you have cold ears or hands, you are more likely to return home.

3. Sunglasses. Yes, even in winter the sun can shine brightly and reduce your vision.

4. Hiking boots with good grip. The surface may be slippery due to rain or ice. Therefore, choose shoes with a good sole that are not too heavy.

5. Socks. Do not wear socks over each other. This increases the risk of blisters. Choose a pair of thin socks that are warm enough or buy special hiking socks.

6. Reflective clothing. Wear clothing or shoes with reflective materials. This is especially important for your safety when you go for a walk at dusk or along busy roads.

Last but not least, avoid high traffic areas if visibility and weather conditions are poor. Preferably go to the park, walk on paths or through residential areas where there are few cars.