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Winter do's and don'ts

Winter do s and don ts

With the extreme cold of the week you can probably use some tips when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. These are the absolute winter do's and don'ts.


✔ Keep drinking when you exercise outside

Even now your body needs extra moisture to absorb the moisture loss through sweat.

Read also: 'Prevent a winter dip with these tips'

✔ Cold shower

The combination of dry winter air, low indoor humidity and hot showers are disastrous for your skin, according to the Dutch Association for Dermatology. A short, cold shower makes your skin less dry and stimulates blood circulation.

✔ Going outside

This way your body gets used to the cold and you stimulate blood circulation, which prevents cold hands and feet. If you have hay fever, this is the season for outdoor activities anyway:in winter there is no pollen from trees, grasses and weeds in the air.


✘ Going outside without sunscreen

There is also harmful UV radiation in the winter and it goes right through clouds. The reflection of sunlight on snow can even burn you badly.

✘ Drinking alcohol to get warm

Alcohol widens blood vessels, causing you to lose body heat. According to Jelinek, your skin may feel warm after a drink, but your body actually has a lower temperature. This means a greater risk of hypothermia.