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4 Tips to quickly and above all safely tan and stay tan

The sun now shines almost every day and the temperatures are wonderful. So it's time to swap your long sleeves for short sleeves. And the long pants for shorts. Today 4 tips to quickly and safely tan and stay tan.

We all want brown skin

As spring approaches, most people long for the sun and warmth. Many people think brown skin or at least a little bit of a tan is just really beautiful. No wonder everyone is doing their best to tan as quickly as possible. Now that we are not allowed to travel to warm destinations because of Corona, we have to make do with the sun in our backyard or the park (with sufficient distance).

If you can use a tan, do it safely. A sunburn is not only no fun, in the end you start from scratch. As soon as the burned skin peels, you are no longer brown. In addition, a sunburn is simply not healthy and the same applies here:prevention is better than cure.

4 Tips to quickly and especially safely tan and stay tan

Although you need sun to make enough vitamin D, you do have to watch out for UV radiation. This radiation is harmful and can cause all kinds of other health problems. With the tips below you can quickly tan and stay tan for a long time.

1. Good preparation is half the battle

As with many things in life, good preparation makes a big difference. Prepare your skin for the sun by giving it a peeling in the evening. In this way your skin becomes nice and smooth and you can get an even tan. Use a good body lotion after the peeling that optimally hydrates your skin.

2. Let your skin get used to the sun

The long, cold and dark winter days ensure that many people prefer to sit in the sun all day as soon as they see the sun. Unfortunately, that is counterproductive. The only thing that happens is that your skin burns quickly. Especially if you have light skin, you should let your skin get used to the sun. Do this by sitting in the sun for up to 15 minutes. Sitting in the sun for a short period of time produces a better and faster result than baking in the sun all day.

3. Tan faster with sunscreen

That may sound contradictory, but it's really true. The right sunscreen ensures that your skin is protected against harmful UV radiation. At the same time, you get an even tan and prevent your skin from burning. For best results, use an organic sunscreen. Apply the cream to the skin at least 30 minutes before sunbathing.

Note:stay away from sunflower oil or olive oil. Although these products provide an increased melanin production, they also ensure that you are barely protected against UV radiation. Before you know it you are burned. To apply from head to toe you need at least 30 – 40 ml of cream, which means that a 500 ml bottle only lasts a few days. Many people make a mistake about this and apply far too little.

First take the test to see how long you can go out in the sun and which sunscreen your skin needs.

4. Protect the skin from within

You have to protect the skin not only on the outside, but also on the inside. You do this by eating enough antioxidants. Do you want to protect your skin? Then eat:

  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
  • Melon
  • Citrus fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Roots
  • Paprika
  • Tomato

Keep the brown color optimal

Once you are tan, you naturally want to keep the color as long as possible. For this you have to take optimal care of your skin. Well-hydrated skin retains color longer than dry skin. That means you have to keep applying moisturizing lotion. It is also better to omit a hot shower now.

Use as few products as possible with added alcohol. So be careful when using products for your face with added alcohol. This also applies to perfume and shower gel. Alcohol reacts on the top layer of your skin and you want to protect it optimally to keep the tan longer.

After sunbathing, use an after sun product to care for the skin. As I mentioned before, it is important to moisturize the skin. An after sun product is therefore a must immediately after sunbathing.

Cheating with a self-tanner

It is of course possible that the sun will have to wait a while. Or that you are really ashamed of your milk bottles. In that case, you can cheat a bit by using a self-tanner in advance. Limit this use, because it is a chemical that not only stays on your skin, but is absorbed and therefore ends up in your body. However, once in a while can't hurt and is definitely recommended if it makes you feel more confident.

What do you do to get a nice tan and especially to stay tan?