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8 tips to stay slim

Losing weight is one thing, but after that you want to stay that way. And that is not really easy, because you will be constantly tempted. That is why many people suffer from a yo-yo weight. If we look at the behavior of naturally slim people, there are things they don't do. So here are 8 tips to stay slim.

1. Know and understand that diets do not work in the long term
Naturally, slim women do not diet and do not use substances that claim to cause weight loss.

2. Trust yourself to eat intuitively
Naturally slim women instinctively know what to eat and how much to eat. Do yourself a big favor and get rid of all your diet books and weight loss programs.

3. Don't rely on outside help to tell you what to eat or when to eat it
"Dieting" is a negative, restrictive way of eating that leaves you unable to control your relationship with food keep without outside help. It is this external "help" that keeps you in a dieting mindset and prevents you from becoming a slim woman. You are the one who knows what and when to eat.

4. Eat until you are no longer hungry
Focusing on "weight loss" can lead to a yo-yo diet. To start changing your relationship with food, you need to change your focus from "losing weight" to "getting healthy." Before you eat anything, ask yourself, "Is this food going to help me get healthier?" If so, give yourself permission to eat it as long as you're really hungry.

5. Eat what you want, when you want
'Diets' teach you about limiting calories, types or amounts of food. They give you a list of "good and bad" foods or "forbidden" lists. This can lead to cravings for certain foods, which makes you eat them correctly. This is of course not healthy for you. Let go of the fear that if you're not on a "diet," you won't lose weight. Eat what you want, but only when you are hungry and stop eating when you are no longer hungry.

6. Listen to your body
Ask yourself the following questions before eating, which will help you improve your relationship with food and grow into a naturally slim woman:
Am I hungry? ?
Is this really what I want to eat?
Will this food help me get leaner and healthier?
How will I feel after eating this? Will eating this food help me feel energized and satisfied, or will I feel overfull and sluggish?
Should I eat this now?

7. Love and accept your body
Often women start dieting because they want to change the way they look. Because of this, you subconsciously tell yourself that there is something wrong with you, that there is something you don't like. That has to change. Take care of yourself and accept the way you look.

8. Weigh yourself rarely
Don't obsess over the numbers on the scale, there's no need to. There can be several reasons why the numbers fluctuate. It could be due to fluid retention, more muscle, or just that "time of the month." Naturally slim women don't care about numbers. If your clothes fit and you look good, who cares what you weigh?