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Five tips to stay healthy and live longer

Prevention is better than cure, even when it comes to health. What can you do to reap the benefits of prevention? Here are five suggestions that can help you live longer and healthier.

Maintains clinical prevention. Make sure you keep up with vaccinations, do cancer research such as breast and cervical cancer, and have regular blood tests for conditions such as diabetes and HIV.

Be physically active. Do moderate exercise daily or vigorous exercise (or a combination of these) a few times a week. If you don't like running, swimming, or yoga, try to be active around the house as much as possible. Or take the bike or walk more often. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Provide good nutrition. Eating well can be both enjoyable and affordable, but it requires a level of thoughtfulness about food of all kinds. What we eat is much more important than how much we eat. Be aware of what you eat.

Stay smoke-free. This is the leading cause of preventable premature illness and death. Also show family, friends and colleagues your good habits. If you currently smoke, make an effort to quit.

Strive for balance. Practice and strive for harmony and balance in life between work and play, between rest (sleep is important!) and activity, and across the whole spectrum of the mind, body and spirit.