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Natural and Effective Appetite Suppressant, our Tips for Eating Better.

Natural and Effective Appetite Suppressant, our Tips for Eating Better.

Snacking between two meals is well known:it is not good for the line.

What are the tricks to satiate yourself while resisting your cravings?

We offer several.

Drinking instead of eating is nourishing!

To not be hungry in the middle of the day, you have to adopt the drink attitude . For this, it is necessary to provide 1.5 liters of water per day on average. In order not to inflate the stomach, it is best to drink regularly throughout the day.

Which type of water to choose?

To keep in shape and not take in calories, it is better to favor waters rich in magnesium such as Contrex or Hépar. We recommend drinking a glass of water before each meal and after but not during. Food mixed with water swells in the stomach.

And if the water seems too bland, you can also alternate with green tea , which has many beneficial virtues for health. Highly consumed in Japan, it has been shown that regular consumption of green tea is preventive against certain cancers. In addition to preserving healthy , green tea helps to eliminate and do without cravings for snacking.

Eat calmly and at regular times

It also helps to hold between two meals:

It is not always easy to be able to eat seated and quietly when you are at work. But take the time to eat slowly , will help you to be more efficient and not to be hungry in the afternoon.

If you eat too quickly, the stomach does not have time to assimilate and you will always have that feeling of hunger. Then you can declare stomach aches, very unpleasant if you have to get back to work. Taking the time to eat well can only be beneficial.

Snack, yes, but by choosing your food!

If, despite regular water consumption and a stress-free meal, your stomach begs for its 4 p.m. snack, prefer an apple, yogurt, fine foods . But avoid chocolate bars or other sweets. They won't fill your stomach and are anything but slimming.

Which foods are the most suitable for a balanced diet?

Ingredients rich in fiber are the best in order to eat well while not gaining too much weight. Green vegetables such as beans, artichokes are very good for the line, they should be introduced slowly into your eating habits so as not to upset your transit. Fruits such as kiwi, prunes or blackberries are also healthy foods.

The magic recipe for keeping in shape, the line while being productive throughout the day is to mix all these tips:drink a lot of water, eat slowly and balanced, favor fruits during small hollows.

Savings achieved

Respecting a balanced diet is not very expensive if you select your food well. Drinking instead of eating will save you on sweets and cakes.

If you make time for lunch and eat at regular times in the morning, noon and evening, you will avoid having to buy snacks for those little afternoon cravings.

And you, how do you eat lunch? Have you managed to eliminate snacking between two meals? Let us know what you think in the comments.