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Is there a link between eating fast and being overweight?

Is there a link between eating fast and being overweight?

During a dinner, you are the first to finish the meal. You eat fast, you always have. Maybe after reading this news you will eat a little slower next time.

Eating fast would make you more likely to be overweight, conclude Japanese researchers after analyzing 23 studies.

Why is it?
The first reason is one you've probably heard before:it takes a while for your body to get the signal that you've eaten enough. The longer you chew, the more signals your brain receives that food is arriving. The faster you eat, the more likely you are to eat more, and maybe even too much.

No snack attack later in the day
But researchers suspect there is another reason, a reason that has to do with your blood sugar level. Eating slowly would keep your blood sugar under better control. You avoid peaks. Your appetite during the day is better controlled and your energy is evenly distributed throughout the day.

Although more research is needed to find out how strong the link is between eating fast, your blood sugar levels and being overweight, it doesn't hurt to eat a little more slowly.

Our tips for eating slower>>