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Shopping smarter and faster? With these 20 tips it works

Shopping smarter and faster? With these 20 tips it works

We have listed no fewer than 20 tips for those who want to do their shopping faster, cheaper or smarter!

1. Make a shopping list

Sort the products by type, in order of the shopping route. That way you lose the least time in the supermarket.

2. View the offers

By viewing the offers in advance, you can compose your weekly menu based on the offers. In addition, you can partly prevent impulse purchases.

3. Go to one (or more) regular supermarket(s)

If you know where everything is, the shopping is done faster.

4. Shop mainly in the outer aisles

Have you ever noticed that all the products you really need are in the outer aisles in many supermarkets? Vegetables, bread and dairy can usually be found on the edge of the supermarket. In the middle paths you will find the edited products.

5. Choose the correct row at the checkout

Choosing the right row remains a game of chance. Getting behind that man with that full car seems like a bad idea, but that doesn't always have to be the case. Checkout usually takes more time than scanning groceries, so the fewer people in line, the greater the chance that it will go smoothly. Find out why you always feel like you're in the wrong queue.

6. Go to the supermarket at a quiet moment

Just before closing time is often a quiet moment. Looking for products with discount stickers? They are often pasted on at the end of the evening. Try to avoid the weekend if you want to do your shopping in a quiet supermarket. When it is quiet in your supermarket you will have to discover for yourself, because it partly depends on the neighborhood in which you live. Retired people are more likely to do their shopping during the day, while working people have more time to do their shopping in the evenings or on weekends.

7. Before you go shopping, check what's left in the kitchen cupboards

This will prevent you from doubting whether or not you have eggs in the fridge.

8. Download an app

Wunderlist or Todoist are examples of useful apps for making a digital list. You can leave the products that you regularly buy in it. You can share your shopping list with your partner so that both of you can complete it. The person who does the shopping always has the most recent shopping list with him.

9. Order your groceries online

Placing an online order and having it delivered to your home can be very useful when you are short on time or when you need a lot of groceries.

10. Go to the supermarket on your own

Leaving the children and/or your partner at home will probably save you time.

11. Look in the bottom shelves

The cheaper products are usually displayed on the bottom shelves. So don't just look at the products at eye level.

12. Bring your own shopping bag

Better for the environment than always buying a new bag.

13 Don't go to the supermarket hungry

A golden old tip, but still a good idea:don't go to the supermarket with a rumbling stomach, because when you're hungry you're more likely to give in to put something tasty in your basket.

14. Read labels

If you are on a diet or have an allergy, you may be used to reading labels. Even if you are not on a diet, it can pay to read labels for a while. Compare the ingredients of your favorite products with the ingredients of similar products and choose the healthiest variant. After reading labels for a while, healthier products will automatically end up in your car.

15. Stick to your budget

Especially when you're short on cash, you don't want to exceed your grocery budget. Keep track of how much it will cost approximately as you add items to your shopping cart.

16. Make sure you always have the basics at home

There are products that you always have at home. Keep an eye on how much you have left, so you can replenish your stock in time, possibly when your favorite products are on sale.

17. Only buy in bulk if you save money in the long run

2+2 free is a nice offer, but if you don't use the products before the expiration date, it's a shame. Sometimes you can buy a larger package for 20 cents extra. Inexpensive, but not if you always throw half away. Don't be blinded by benefits and offers.

18. Eat meat less often

Eating less meat is good for the environment and for your wallet. Even one day a week not eating meat already has an effect. Experiment with it.

19. Buy products with a discount sticker

At the end of the day, products that are about to expire are discounted. If you do your shopping just before closing time or early in the morning, you can take advantage of this.

20. Don't just throw away food

Try to use as much leftovers as possible and throw away as little as possible. There are many products that you can freeze and leftover pasta sauce or an oven dish you can also freeze. The leftovers from your dinner are delicious as a hearty lunch the next day. You can make vegetable soup or omelet from leftover vegetables. You can stir-fry with it and combine all those different vegetables well in a fittata or quiche. After a while you will get more and more creative with leftovers.

Read also:save on your groceries? You should pay attention to this