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Santé editorial about the National Sugar Challenge:'Almost everything contains sugar'

Santé editorial about the National Sugar Challenge: Almost everything contains sugar

From 7 to 13 June, the Diabetes Fund is organizing the National Sugar Challenge:food and drinks without added sugars for a week. The Santé editors are up to the challenge.

Tighten reins

Editor-in-chief Annalot (44):“I personally think it's not too bad how much sugar I eat. I hardly ever eat sweets, but I do like to have a drink, so that's where things usually go wrong. A few years ago I ate as little added sugar as possible for a while. I felt very good about that then. I had more energy and no longer suffer from a sugar dip in the afternoon. I also thought it was an eye opener to check labels. There is sugar in almost everything, even in a jar of grilled asparagus or a jar of pesto. From that time I have learned that I already know which brand of certain products I can choose best to avoid added sugars. Still, it can't hurt to tighten the reins again during the National Sugar Challenge. Secretly I'm a bit hesitant to have to check everything again. Now I can easily turn a blind eye.”


Web editor Maike (27):“I cook as little as possible with packets and sachets, drink my coffee and tea without sugar and almost never have sweets in the house. Still, I get a lot of added sugars unnoticed. It's in my vegetable yogurt in the morning, in my snack in the afternoon (because:nice and easy) and at the weekend in that ready-to-eat juice. While it feels like I'm healthy, I actually get quite a lot of sugars. Time to take up the challenge:a week without added sugars. What am I most looking forward to? The ease. Like Annalot, I am not eager to check all products. But at the same time, it is certainly not an impossible challenge.”

Read also:3 delicious recipes without sugar

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