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The Santé editorial about:corona vaccines

The Santé editorial about:corona vaccines

There are promising sounds about various corona vaccines. The other can't wait until you can get vaccinated, the other is more waiting. The editorial staff of Santé regularly focuses on current topics. So this time:corona vaccines

Research by Hart van Nederland shows that no fewer than four in ten Dutch people do not want to be vaccinated against corona if vaccines are soon available. Minister de Jonge of Health emphasizes that a corona vaccine will not be mandatory.

Read also: 'The Santé editorial about:wearing face masks'

What does the Santé editors say?

Some suspicion

Online editor Chantal:“On the one hand, I can't wait for the moment when everything returns to normal, but on the other hand I still view the corona vaccines with some suspicion. I don't really know what to make of the fact that all those manufacturers seem to want to win the race for the best vaccine in the fastest possible time. I think I'll just wait and see what the first reactions/effects are from those who want to be vaccinated right away."

Feels double

Art director Alexandra:“No, I will not stand at the front of the line. I do not count myself, perhaps naively, in the risk group. That also makes me adopt a somewhat wait-and-see attitude and call it 'fear'. First let's see what the effects of the vaccine are. Of course, this also feels double, because you then allow the vulnerable/risk group to be a kind of test subject. Doing research into the different resources seems difficult to me and you may need to be medically trained for that. In short: difficult, I'm not over it yet…”

I don't want to make a decision just yet

Freelance journalist Rachel:“I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do when a vaccine is available… I hear so many different opinions around me that I notice that it makes me a bit restless and that's why don't want to make a decision. Once the vaccine is available, I think I will just do good research, discuss with my family and friend what they are going to do and make my choice based on that. I always make well-considered choices like this one, so I'm leaving it completely in the middle for now. We shall see!”