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The Beautiful Food Machine:read &learn everything about your gut

What fills the heart, the mouth overflows. And in 2016, our hearts seem quite full of health. You can no longer turn on a talk show unless it is about healthy food † Or, perhaps more often, about unhealthy nutrition † What we all put in to stay healthy is a much-discussed topic, on which opinions are very divided. But what comes next out , and how that goes, you don't hear about that many people. That is different in The Beautiful Food Machine.

The gut:an underestimated organ

If, like me, you have a problem with your intestines, you probably think about this organ a little more often than average. But I admit:if I hadn't had irritable bowel syndrome, I wouldn't think about my gut very often either. Although everyone is busy with the entrance to the intestinal tract, and what you should put in it, few think about the end of the journey that our food makes. And that's crazy, according to Gulia Enders, the author of The Beautiful Food Machine. Your intestinal flora and its health are just as important as, for example, your brain and circulation.

Read also: Irritable bowel syndrome:5 tips for you and your gut

In the Beautiful Food Machine you learn everything about your digestion. From mouth to ass , say 😉 . Also for people without intestinal problems a real boost. Actually, it is a must read for anyone who has and can read intestines. There's a good chance you'll be one of them too 😉 . You are guaranteed to learn a lot from it. Did you know, for example, that in Western culture we all have the wrong poop posture? Pooping is best done in a squatting position, which gets tricky in our toilets. A stool in front of the pot that your feet can rest on makes your bowel movements easier. Not an elegant idea? Good morning, you're pooping! Who needs elegance † Or do you always say that alcohol has such a nice disinfecting effect? Then you learn in The Beautiful Food Machine that it actually leads to 'a trumpet concert in the morning'.

Read also: Tempocol against irritable bowel complaints, we have tested it!

The Beautiful Food Machine:no light food

Giulia Enders is a medical student. The Beautiful Food Machine is first and foremost an informative book. Looking for light reading food to clear your head? Then you better go for a book like Bridget Jones 😉 . However, if you would like to find out more about what really happens in your body (and therefore what is healthy for you), then The Beautiful Food Machine is highly recommended! This is evident from the many positive reviews! Besides that, it is also very affordable.

Tip: You can find the book here.

Our bodies are complex, and perhaps the pinnacle of that complexity is our gut. Fortunately, Enders realizes that not all of us study medicine. She describes the most complicated processes in a lively, understandable way. How Truus' inner sphincter discusses with her outer sphincter, for example. Perhaps not the most appetizing story, but at least one that is understandable for the reader. And funny too 😉 . Add in the illustrations by Jill (sister of the author), and Guts for Dummies is complete. I can guarantee you one thing anyway:after reading The Beautiful Food Machine you will certainly no longer underestimate your gut – and you will be a lot wiser about what health really means.

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