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Are you participating in the National Sugar Challenge?

Are you participating in the National Sugar Challenge?

The third edition of the National Sugar Challenge continues! From 8 to 14 June, the Diabetes Fund challenges you to eat and drink healthily without sugar for seven days. Are you in?

Because of the many sitting at home, the temptation is great to grab a bite in the candy jar out of sheer boredom. Research has shown, for example, that the Dutch have difficulty maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the corona crisis.

Read also: '5 tips to cut back on sugar'

Healthy choice

More than 60 percent of adults in our country do not meet the World Health Organization sugar guidelines. The more sugar you consume, the greater the risk of obesity and therefore type 2 diabetes.

That is why the National Sugar Challenge for the Diabetes Fund this year is also a way to support people in making healthy choices.

Are you in?

During the National Sugar Challenge, the aim is to eat and drink without sugar for seven days. This mainly concerns the free sugars. This is all added sugars plus the sugars present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrate.

Visit for tips and recipes. Are you in?