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Indigestion During the Holidays:3 Tips to Enjoy It Without Depriving Yourself.

Indigestion During the Holidays:3 Tips to Enjoy It Without Depriving Yourself.

It's not the party after the holidays!

When we have drunk too much or eat too much, we recover from beautiful migraines and nausea.

It's time to change your habits and adopt the right reflexes!

I'm too greedy, it's not my fault!

So, during the holidays, I stuff myself. To believe that my taste buds are never satiated. One of my (many) resolutions for 2011 was to pay attention to the quantities ingested and my food frenzy.

As a naturopathic student, this year has been full of very interesting reading. Here is what I put into practice.

1. Take time to eat

In his book on macrobiotics, Georges Ohsawa already taught me to eat slowly. If I understood correctly:"You have to drink your food and chew your drinks"! Wow! In short, in fact, it is above all necessary to chew your food well, slowly and for a long time.

A piece of advice, put your fork down with each bite! As I'm talkative, it's practical:between each bite, I talk (with lots of turkeys between my teeth yeah)!

2. Identify its limits

The VAKOG program to relearn how to eat then made me understand that any problem, even small, requires reflection. So I took the time to clearly identify the reasons why I couldn't stop eating (apart from gluttony).

It is a real personal development. I now know better how to listen to my stomach and stop when I'm full. Drinking also allows you to eat less since the stomach is full more quickly. But be careful, this is not an excuse to get a bottle of white wine on your own;)!

3. Choose your meal

Of course, if you are invited, it will be harder. But if you are in the kitchen, remember to use, at least for the holidays, untreated or even organic foods.

Indeed, these products are denatured and our digestive system has much more difficulty assimilating them. This way of eating generates waste (or toxins) in our body and promotes indigestion! So for the holidays, we're having fun!

If the damage is already done, consider using anti-nausea foods:banana, garlic, ginger, peppermint and read our tips on post-holiday ailments!

Do you have any other healthy eating habits to recommend? Share your experience with us in the comments!