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Suffering from dizziness? Here 4 solutions

Suffering from dizziness? Here 4 solutions

Dizziness is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor. It especially affects women. What can you do about dizziness? We have 4 solutions for you!

Keep your cavities clear

There are different types of vertigo. Do you have the feeling that everything is spinning and you become
you may also feel nauseous and anxious, then your dizziness is usually due to a disturbance in your vestibular system in your ear. This can be caused by a blockage or inflammation of the tubes in the organ, for example with a bad cold or middle ear infection.

This is how you do it

If you have vertigo, it is best to sit or lie down until the vertigo has passed. Once the respiratory infection or ear infection is gone, the spinning sensation also disappears. You can rinse your nose regularly with salt and water to keep your cavities clear, or use a nasal spray.

Read also: ‘Get over hyperventilation‘

Get up quietly

If you feel light-headed, this usually has nothing to do with it
balance organ in your ear. Low blood pressure can be the cause.

This is how you do it

It is important to get up quietly and not abruptly after sitting or lying down. When you feel dizzy, tighten your leg, glutes and abs or take steps in place. This raises your blood pressure. It can also help to eat and drink at fixed times, so that your blood sugar stays better.

Do breathing exercises

With incorrect breathing and hyperventilation, you breathe too quickly or too deeply, making you dizzy. You can regain control of your breathing with exercises.

This is how you do it

There are many different breathing exercises, but the easiest and fastest way to control your breathing is to breathe in for three seconds and then breathe out for six seconds. Hyperventilation is often caused by stress and tension. So make sure you take enough rest and book a yoga or mindfulness class for example
to learn to relax.

Go to the doctor

If you regularly suffer from dizziness and this lasts longer than four weeks, it is smart to visit your doctor. You can keep a diary in advance, so that the GP has a good insight into the complaints and can thus determine the cause more quickly.

This is how you do it

Write down when you feel dizzy, what you were doing at that moment (did you stand still for a long time, did you walk on the stairs), how the dizziness felt (lightheaded or spinning) and what else you can do about your body noticed (do you sweat a lot, nausea, palpitations). Did the dizziness go away when you sat down or when you ate something, write that down too.