Do your fingers and feet get sore when it's cold?
Welcome to the "wonderful" club of those who, like me, suffer from Raynaud's disease.
In some people, blood circulation is not good.
The consequence is that in the absence of sufficient blood circulation, the extremities of the body (fingers, toes, nose, ears...) quickly cool down.
The colder it is, the more the blood "concentrates" on the vital organs and "leaves" our poor extremities...
As the blood no longer circulates, these become whitish, bluish, or even reddish. As a result, the affected areas become numb and painful.
Fortunately, I have since found a very effective natural remedy to no longer suffer from Raynaud's syndrome.
The trick is to use a mixture effective of oils essential . Watch:
- 1 drop of helychrisis essential oil
- 1 drop thyme borneol essential oil
- 1 drop of lemon essential oil
- 2 drops of tangerine essential oil
1. In the palm of your hand, pour the drops of essential oils one by one.
2. Mix everything together lightly rubbing your hands together.
3. Massage each of the areas to be warmed with both hands impregnated with this mixture of essential oils.
And There you go ! Thanks to this natural remedy, you warm up the extremities of the body numbed by the cold in no time :-)
Immediate effect guaranteed against the symptoms of Raynaud's disease!
Know that it is important to respect the dosages stated above.
I remember before, my toes and knuckles were so numb that they hurt horribly!
It took me very long minutes to warm them up in front of the radiator, once I got home...
Now thanks to this effective remedy, the symptoms of Raynaud's disease are just a bad memory.
This treatment based on essential oils is super effective and allows you to quickly warm up your little extremities that are mistreated by the cold.
Helichrysum essential oil helps to relax your stiffening limbs.
The essential oils of thyme borneol and lemon have the power to accelerate blood circulation.
As for the essential oil of mandarin and lemon, they both have the benefit of boosting circulation blood .
- As this remedy uses essential oils of citrus fruits (lemon and tangerine) which are photosensitive to UV light, be careful not to immediately expose yourself to the sun.
- Due to the powerful active ingredients of the essential oils, avoid using this remedy for a child under 6 years old or if you are pregnant.