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7 common beginner mistakes when going vegan

7 common beginner mistakes when going vegan

Are you planning to switch to a vegan diet? Then you definitely want to read this article. We discuss 7 common beginner mistakes that people make when they go vegan. Of course you don't want to make that! We help you prevent them, trust us…

Read also :'These foods are not always vegan'

1. Do not delve into vegan nutrition

A vegan diet can provide you with enough nutrients, as long as you plan well in advance how you are going to go about it. Too many people focus on what they can't eat instead of what they need for their health. A vegan diet can be very varied in nutritional value and because something is vegan, it is not necessarily healthy. Therefore, make sure that you do good research in advance into which foods you need to become a healthy vegan.

2. Relying on the wrong sources

When you delve into vegan food, it is important that you base your choices on reliable sources. There are a lot of sources that provide wrong information and then there is a good chance that your vegan diet will not get a positive spin. Therefore, make sure that you acquire your knowledge from reliable sources and, if in doubt, consult a dietician to help you further.

3. Not taking the right supplements

When you go vegan, you will probably get less nutrients than if you eat animal products. Consider, for example, vitamin B12, which is said to be mainly found in animal products. Fortunately, you can prevent a deficiency by taking the right supplements or by using a product to which this vitamin has been added. Depending on your diet, you may also need to supplement other nutrients with supplements. Always consult a dietician for this, who can give you the best advice about this.

4. Eating too much fiber too quickly

Eating a lot of extra fiber all at once - for example by eating more beans, legumes and vegetables - can cause problems in your intestines. Do you suffer from a bloated stomach, flatulence or constipation after going vegan? Try drinking more water and eating less fiber so that your body can get used to your new diet. You can then gradually add more fiber to your diet if you notice that your body can handle it.

5. Trying to be a 'perfect' vegan

Veganism is both a diet and a philosophy. Therefore, there can be quite a bit of pressure on doing 'right'. But this kind of all-or-nothing thinking can only cause you stress. Therefore, give yourself the space to make the shift to a vegan diet and not impose too many rules on yourself from the start. You don't have to be a perfect vegan to make a difference, it's about more than just food choices!

6. Don't plan ahead when dining out

When you are going to eat somewhere other than at home, it is always useful to make preparations. After all, you don't want to sit in the restaurant only to find out that there are no vegan options or to surprise your host/hostess with your eating wishes. Therefore, always plan ahead:check menus, contact the restaurant or your host to check whether there are vegan options. You can always bring your own food if necessary, but of course you have to know that in advance.

7. Taking on this adventure alone

It works better to go through behavioral changes when we have support from others. Of course, that does not mean that your roommates, partner or family should immediately start eating vegan. For example, you can also contact other vegans (both online and offline) for support, recipes and to share experiences. Look for a positive vibe that will help you fully embrace this adventure, then you will enjoy it the most!