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Lower back pain? Here 4 solutions

Lower back pain? Here 4 solutions

Low back pain is a common problem. It can just slip away and you sometimes feel very limited in your daily activities. Santé has 4 solutions.

1. Keep moving

While you may be tempted to rest when you have back pain, it's counterproductive. Too little daily movement causes poor circulation, weakened back muscles and a stiff body. Moreover, obesity is lurking, which also affects your back.

How to do it:

Make sure you exercise for at least half an hour every day. This can be a short walk, but swimming and cycling are also good for your back. Take it easy and don't suddenly move more than you normally do, to prevent overworked back muscles. In addition, eat as healthy as possible to prevent obesity.

Read also: ‘3 reasons to train your back muscles‘

2. Avoid stress

Back pain is not always due to a moderate physical condition, there can also be mental causes. Physical reactions to stress are common (often without us realizing it). Stress creates tension in the body, which often manifests itself in, among other things, back pain.

How to do it:

It may take some discipline, but take more time for yourself. Take yoga classes, read a book or practice mindfulness. More exercise and healthy food (see tip 1) also help with stress:this way you kill two birds with one stone.

3. Use a special pillow

Back pain is often the result of incorrect posture. Working at your desk with a bent back in particular for long periods of time can lead to back problems. An orthopedic seat cushion can then be a solution.

How to do it:

An orthopedic seat cushion encourages a good ergonomic sitting position and reduces the pressure on your lower back. You can use it in your office chair, but also, for example, during a long trip on the plane or train. Another useful tool is a knee pillow. This corrects your posture in your lower back and pelvis, so your knees don't press against each other when you sleep. This can prevent back pain.

4. Cool and warm your back

While ice is a natural pain reliever and effective against swelling, heat loosens trapped muscles and improves circulation. You can therefore use both for low back pain.

How to do it:

Apply ice to the painful areas for the first few days. Do this a few times a day for up to twenty minutes. Always put a cloth between your skin and the ice to prevent the ice from freezing to your skin. Switch to heat after a few days, by means of a heat patch or a warm shower.

Back pain after all?

The pain does not go away on its own within a few weeks. Or are you in extreme pain? Then visit your doctor.

Source:Santé November 2018 | text:Mara Ruijter