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Here is the Goji berry, the superfruit from China!

In the extensive list of "superfoods", we find several "superfruits". Among them, the Goji berry from China, and presented as beneficial to health despite some controversy.

What is Goji berry?

The notion of superfruit – derived from that of superfood – originated in the United States. It refers to a fruit with exceptionally rich nutritional values compared to those of a classic fruit. There is also talk of a high antioxidant content. In the list of superfruits, we find in particular pomegranate, acerola, durian, cranberry or even Goji berry.

Originally and mainly produced in the autonomous region of Ningxia (China), the Goji berry is the trade name from the berry of the common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense) . These are the two species of Lycium (out of 70) marketed worldwide. The Goji berry is small, red, elongated and slightly sweet. Most of the time, it is found in dried form, but it sometimes exists in juice within a mixture with other fruits.

Here is the Goji berry, the superfruit from China!

Superfruit, yes but controversial

As Consoglobe explains , the Goji berry is popular in Europe for its extraordinary dietary and nutritional qualities. It contains in particular 5 carotenoids - including beta-carotene, a plant pigment that is a precursor of vitamin A. risks of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and slow down cognitive decline. We should also mention the presence of 8 polysaccharides (family of carbohydrates), a fuel for the body capable of regulating and stimulating the immune and cardiovascular systems. The Goji berry also contains many vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C and E) and nutrients, namely no less than 18 amino acids (including 8 essential) and 21 trace elements. In addition, the content of phytosterols in this berry would be able to regulate blood pressure while lowering cholesterol levels.

You should know that while the Goji berry is fashionable, it is also controversial. In 2010, the report Goji berries:new miracle cure ? of the Swiss channel RTS mentioned several points against the fruit. According to some scientists, the Goji berry is the subject of a craze more related to marketing than to science. Its benefits would be overrated and it would contain as many vitamins as simple fruits such as apples or oranges. In addition, traces of pesticides – higher than European standards – have been found in imported dried berries. This is Acetamiprid, an insecticide used to control aphids.