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Suffering from cold feet:a real woman's ailment and really no affectation

It's a good thing men have such nice warm legs. And hands, by the way. Would Mother Nature have arranged it that way on purpose? Because she herself regularly suffers from ice clogs? It probably sounds familiar to you – just like almost all women. And not just in the winter. Do you also regularly suffer from cold feet? Then it may have happened that the hubby dismisses that as an affectation. But nothing could be further from the truth, ladies. Women do feel cold more often than men – and not just because they need a warm male body to hug 😉 .

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Do you regularly use your hubby as a kind of living pitcher? Then you are one of many. Research has shown that women are more likely to be cold than men. Moreover, we also notice temperature differences earlier. But hey, that we are more sensitive than the average guy, we already knew that of course! But how come?

It is unevenly distributed in the world. When it comes to the composition of the human body, men have once again managed to make a profit. Because what did they get? Muscles. And we women are stuck with an extra portion of fat. In itself handy to keep warm, you would think. And indeed, that layer of bacon ensures that blood can be transported more easily to our organs. Unfortunately, this means less blood flows to the ends of our bodies. Result:cold feet and hands.

Ho Ho Hormones

Another reason why women suffer from cold feet more often than men:our hormones. You may have heard of it, the estrogens. An important hormone in your period, which also regulates your body temperature. Did you know that your temperature during your period is on average even one degree lower than normal? Now we can probably add that, the list of menstrual complaints is already very long. But those hormones also cause blood vessels to narrow temporarily for the rest of the month. And watch those ice cubes of yours thaw again.

Suffering from cold feet in bed

Do you suffer from cold feet especially at night? Are you icy feet under the covers with a pair of thick socks on? That is also normal for women (unfortunately!). When it gets dark, your body starts producing melatonin. Another very useful hormone. Thanks to this substance, your body temperature drops and your body knows that it is time to go to sleep. At least if you put your smartphone away in time 😉 . Melatonin lowers body temperature at night in both men and women. Only that happens a lot faster with women, so that we have reached our 'minimum temperature' earlier, which is also lower than with men. Fortunately, there is such a thing as spoon-spoon.

Iron deficiency?

Good blood circulation is important to keep warm. That's what the iron in your blood does. Now we women have less iron in our blood than our very strong men. But if you also have an iron deficiency, it will be completely shivering. A check-up at the doctor's is done in no time, and an iron deficiency is fortunately easy to remedy. Vitamin B12, for example, can help you to promote the absorption of iron. However, there are also other conditions that make you feel chronically cold. So if in doubt, drop by the GP!

Warm them up!

Very nice, we now know that women are indeed colder than men. And there is nothing we can do about the fact that we often suffer from cold feet. So no affectation, it's just our hormones! It's nice that we can regularly blame them for something 😉  and we have a good reason with which we can defend ourselves. And although we cannot change the fact that we are colder than our guys, you can of course take measures to reduce the cold feet.

It is therefore important to ensure good blood circulation. A warm foot bath or a relaxing foot massage can already help. Does your guy have something to do too! Wear wool socks that retain heat well and absorb moisture. If you have damp feet, you suffer from cold feet, so wear dry socks a few times a day if necessary. Shoes that ventilate well keep your feet dry and therefore warm. Oh and by the way, we live in 2017. There is also such a thing as underfloor heating ladies 😉 . Unfortunately, we were not able to do something with it in time here in the house, so I am now also walking through the house in my slippers. Because a cast floor can be just as beautiful – and nice and cool in the summer – in the autumn and winter it is nothing for the cold without a nice underfloor heating.

You can go mega fashionable through the house barefoot with painted toes. And then you just use your manly hot water bottle for your cold feet in bed!