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Dutch families are concerned about the coronavirus

Dutch families are concerned about the coronavirus

The coronavirus is turning the world upside down and that is something we are concerned about. Since the outbreak of the virus, more than half of Dutch families have experienced more stress, have a shorter fuse, feel more gloomy and are less cheerful.

This is apparent from a study by DirectResearch commissioned by the Zilveren Kruis among 1,059 adults aged 18 and older with children living at home.

Read also: '#DASLIEF:what we do for each other during coronavirus'

What causes the greatest concerns?

There are a number of things about the coronavirus that respondents are most concerned about. 64 percent are concerned about the uncertainty of how long the situation surrounding the virus will last. 52 percent are afraid that someone in the family will get sick. Of the families with children, parents with children in primary school experience a lot of stress.

For example, helping the children with their school work is stressful for 37 percent of parents with primary school children. 43 percent are concerned about the combination of the kids' schoolwork with their own work. Parents with primary school children experience more stress than parents with young or older children, 48 percent compared to 38 percent on average.

What measures do parents take to reduce the pressure?

To keep the atmosphere in the house good, parents come up with all kinds of ways. These are the five most common measures parents take:

  1. Apply structure and rhythm (41%)
  2. Where possible, go outside with the children (34%)
  3. Take extra care that children get healthy food and drink enough (22%)
  4. Children try to give as much individual attention as possible (16%)
  5. Let children sleep in (14%)

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