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And this food product has been awarded the Golden Wind Egg

And this food product has been awarded the Golden Wind Egg

Foodwatch has again examined a number of food products this year and awarded one of them with the Golden Wind Egg. And then there are food products that have false claims on their packaging.

Chocolate spread for baby from the producer De Kleine Keuken has been awarded the Golden Wind Egg for the most misleading product of 2019. The organic chocolate spread is the next producer 'good for your little one'. But it's not that good at all, because it consists of no less than 69 percent sugar and fat. The Nutrition Center itself advises against the product for babies. Foodwatch even calls it junk food for babies.

Read also :'5x food dilemmas'

'Seasonal vegetables'

In second place is the seasonal vegetables from Albert Heijn. For example, the supermarket chain praised the asparagus from Peru and green beans from Egypt as seasonal vegetables.

Goat cheese is cow cheese

The Albert Heijn also took third place for the goat cheese spread, which mainly contains cow's cheese.

Last year

Last year the Golden Wind egg went to Coca Cola. The 'Smartwater' was next food watchdog nothing more than expensive water.

Lies on packaging

The Golden Windei election was created ten years ago by Foodwatch as a protest against marketing lies and claims that are on packaging that are not fulfilled. and