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Adult and acne? A possible cause has been discovered

Adult and acne? A possible cause has been discovered

Did you think your skin would improve with age? Unfortunately there are no guarantees for this. Women suffer from acne more often than men and according to recent research this could be due to a lack of fruit and vegetables.

According to research from an Italian research center for dermatology, women who eat fruits, vegetables or fresh fish three days or less a week have acne two times more often than women who eat these products more than three days a week. That does not prove that one is directly the cause of the other.

Other factors in acne Your genes play an important role and stress can also be a major culprit. Acne is also more common after pregnancy. The study did not establish a link between acne and dairy, while a previous study by the same researcher showed this.

Acne remains complex, unfortunately. If it were easier, a solution would probably already have been found that would get rid of acne for good. We keep dreaming.