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You probably don't clean these items often enough

You probably don t clean these items often enough

You're still so neat. There are those forgotten items that almost everyone forgets to clean from time to time.

1. Bags In your gym bag you probably carry regularly worn shoes, sportswear and used towels. Even if you take it out neatly at home, your bag could use a wash or cleaning. Even your handbag gets dirtier over time. Time to empty it and take it off.

2. Make-up brushes
We know we should ideally wash our brushes every other week. The practice is different. Make-up residue and dead skin cells quickly make make-up brushes a breeding ground for bacteria. Time to clean your brushes, you can do that with a special cleaner, but a mild (baby) shampoo also does the trick. View the step-by-step plan for cleaning brushes.

3. Bedding
You should wash your bedding at least once a week. Did it fall into it last week? Then it is high time to do an extra wash. It is best to replace your pillowcase more often. Especially if you have sensitive skin or suffer from acne or other skin problems.

4. Mobile phone
Your phone probably doesn't move from your side and you probably touch it many times a day. There are 17,000 types of bacteria on an average phone screen. Fortunately, most of them are harmless. Read here how to keep your phone clean. By the way, the most important advice has nothing to do with your phone, but all the more with yourself:wash your hands regularly.

5. Water bottle
A reusable water bottle on your desk is an easy way to drink enough in a day. You may expect that bottle to stay clean for a long time, you only put clean water in it. Nevertheless, with every sip you take, you spread bacteria in the bottle yourself, so it is a good idea to clean your bottle regularly.

6. Yoga mat
Yoga mats contain a lot of bacteria. Usually not something that makes you sick. Still, it's best to put a towel over the mat. Or use your own yoga mat and clean it regularly.

OOPS: 15 more places we regularly forget to clean.