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Farting is healthy; what you don't know about these stink bombs

Can you remember the first months of dating your sweetheart? I have a question of conscience for you. During that time, while you were together, did you ever fart? Out loud † You already read it, this will not be a home-garden-and-kitchen blog. Today we're going to talk a little bit about farting. Because we let them all. One a little more shameless than the other 😉 . Besides, farting is healthy. Did you know? Here you can read everything you need to know about farting.

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Farting? Get rid of that taboo!

It may not be the freshest subject. But since you're still there… Let's continue happily. Yet in our little country we are quite averse to farting. Where in other cultures it is simply publicly rumored, you can't do that here, of course. So it's no wonder you hold back when you've just had a boyfriend for two weeks. Imagine letting yourself go, then you can forget a long life together. Farting and burping is still seen as taboo. I think it should just stay that way. Because my farts may smell like roses, but that doesn't apply to everyone.

Anyway, we can joke about it, but farting is healthy. A natural process of the body. Here you can read everything about it you always wanted to know. Or maybe not.

1. Farting is healthy

The most important fact surrounding this windy topic:Farting is healthy. Or rather:not letting them go is unhealthy. Farting does have a function, of course. Your body needs to get rid of air, or certain gases. You simply inhaled that air while eating and drinking. But the gases, that's another story. By discharging some gas here and there, your body gets rid of waste. When you fart, it is actually just clearing up inside you. If you try to keep your farts in, those waste products can get back into your blood. This will make you feel tired. It can also lead to headaches and stomach cramps. Oh, and to a very unsavory smell under your covers when you wake up in the morning. Because nothing is withheld in your sleep.

2. Men don't fart more than women

It's a bit of a myth. But men (apparently, according to science) don't fart more than women. On average, a person farts about 15 to 25 per day. And per night by the way, because even then the whole process continues. Hubby might leave them a little more unabashed. But ladies, we just learned:Farting is healthy. So don't hold back. Besides, you can do your man a favor with it too. Read the following fact.

3. Farting is healthy:also for your partner

Scientists at the University of Exeter have discovered another interesting fart tweet. Farting is healthy; not only for you, but also for those around you. Okay, it gives them a less fresh smell. But that air itself is very healthy for them. The researchers found that inhaling a fart can be healthy. Other journals have mentioned that the risk of a lot of diseases and conditions can be reduced. Such as a stroke, a heart attack and even certain cancers.

4. those hormones again

Farting is healthy, but sometimes you feel a bit excessive, so to speak. And not just after Christmas dinner. Did you know that your hormones can also cause farts? During your period, if you are pregnant or during the menopause, for example. Then your average can suddenly go up a bit. If your partner starts nagging about it, we would like to refer them to the previous point. Besides, you can't help it:it's those damn hormones again!