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You don't want to make these 6 mistakes when brushing your teeth

You don t want to make these 6 mistakes when brushing your teeth

Toothbrushing. It's part of your standard routine and it seems so simple. Still, there are some mistakes you can make that can really impact your oral hygiene. And you really don't want to make those... We've listed 6 for you, so you won't make them again!

1. Only brush your teeth

One of the most common mistakes when brushing your teeth is focusing on the top of your teeth and forgetting your gums. It is important to brush along your gums, because that is where most bacteria grow. Plaque that remains next to or even under your gums can cause your gums to become inflamed. So make sure to gently massage your gums with your toothbrush while brushing.

Read also :'There are so many bacteria on your toothbrush'

2. Using a firm toothbrush

A hard or firm toothbrush will make your gums recede, especially if you use them for years. A soft toothbrush is kinder to your gums and is still able to remove bacteria from your teeth.

3. Choosing the wrong flossing method

It is best to clean everything between your teeth at least once a day. You can do this with dental floss, brushes or a water flosser. It is important that you find the method that suits you best. For example, do you have larger spaces between your teeth? Then use a flossing method that can get between your teeth, such as a stick or brush. Do you have a wire behind your teeth? Then a water flosser probably works better. You can always ask your dentist for advice! Floss your teeth in the evening before brushing your teeth for best results.

4. Not brushing long enough

If you don't brush long enough, you probably won't get rid of all the bacteria. It is best to brush for at least two minutes. That's quite a long time, given that most people brush for an average of 30 seconds… Your entire oral routine should last about two to five minutes, including brushing your teeth, flossing, and possibly rinsing with mouthwash. It can take some getting used to to be on it for so long, so set a timer on your phone as a helping hand.

5. Using toothpaste without fluoride

Fluoride has gotten a bad reputation over the years. This has made people look to alternatives, such as charcoal toothpaste. Yet fluoride in toothpaste is the active ingredient that protects your teeth. All other ingredients are mainly there for the taste and fresh breath. When you use fluoride toothpaste as intended, it should be safe.

6. Do not brush your teeth before going to bed

Most dentists recommend brushing twice a day; in the morning (preferably after breakfast) and in the evening before going to sleep. This last time is the most important, though, because not brushing before bed can do the most damage. When you sleep, your mouth becomes dry and your saliva is a natural protector. It is therefore better to go to sleep with a clean mouth, so don't skip your evening brushing!