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This is what happens when you don't get enough protein

This is what happens when you don t get enough protein

If you are deficient in certain nutrients, this can have a significant impact on the functioning of your body. This can happen if you don't get enough protein.

Looking forward to sweets

When you have a constant need for sweets, your body is screaming for protein. They provide insulin in your blood, which keeps your blood sugar level stable. It is not without reason that diets with only lettuce or vegetables are unsustainable:without proteins you have too little fuel to continue until the next meal.

Read also: ‘Do I need extra protein after my workout?‘

You feel drowsy

We are usually not aware of it, but you only feel good physically and mentally when your blood sugar is in balance. A lack of proteins disrupts the sugar level (see signal 1), making you tired and unable to concentrate.

Broken nails, thin hair

Proteins are the building blocks of your cells, including those of your nails and hair follicles. If your nails crumble quickly or if you suffer from hair loss, this may be a sign that you are eating too little protein.

Wounds heal less quickly

Proteins help to build cells. With a shortage of proteins you run the risk that your cell construction slows down or even decreases and that wounds heal less quickly.

You are regularly sick

Your immune system is strongly linked to the presence of proteins in your body. If you eat too little protein, there is a good chance that too few antibodies will be formed. Proteins are the basis of these structures. This gives pathogens such as bacteria and viruses a greater chance.