Eating healthy can be a challenge when you're short on time. Or just don't feel like cooking. Make it easier on yourself with these three tips.
This is what you can do when you want to eat healthy, but don't have the time or the inclination.
These are often a bit more expensive, but here you have to decide for yourself what is more important to you. Would you rather save and cut your vegetables yourself? Or are you willing to spend a little more to throw everything ready to go in the pan? In the latter case, it can certainly save you time.
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This is a perfect long-term solution:do some meal prepping and prepare your food. By knowing exactly what you eat in a few days, you save a lot of time and energy. In addition, you are efficient with your ingredients and it is easier to choose something healthy. The biggest advantage:you only have to take it out of the fridge or freezer.
When you are busy or overworked, you tend to snack more quickly. You end up snacking so much that you skip dinner. This is fine if your snacks are healthy. Think yogurt, almonds and fruit. Sure, a good meal is always better, but we're talking emergency options here. And then you can be easy on yourself for once.
Read also: 4 healthy snacks you can make this weekend