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7 Herbs That Help With Weight Loss

Many people make a resolution to lose weight at the beginning of the year. Are you looking for natural weight loss support? These are 7 herbs that help with weight loss.

Lose weight:why diets don't work

Do you know that too? You follow a diet, lose weight, but in no time the lost pounds are back on. In fact, in many cases there are even a few extra kilos. Especially if you follow so-called crash diets, there is a good chance that the result is only temporary. Not surprising, because with a crash diet you lose a lot in a short time, but in an unhealthy way.

Incidentally, this does not only apply to crash diets. A regular diet can also cause this. You lose weight, stop the diet and gain weight again, the so-called yo-yo effect. Therefore, most diets are disastrous and completely unnecessary. Do you really want to lose weight well, healthy and above all permanently? Then it is necessary to tackle your lifestyle and diet.

7 Herbs that help with weight loss

Healthy food products should not be missing in a good diet. And that certainly includes herbs. In addition, some herbs tend to accelerate weight loss. Below you will find 7 herbs that help with weight loss.

Reading tip:5 Reasons why you should eat mandarins more often (also help with weight loss!)

1. Turmeric

Most people only know turmeric as part of curry. Curry is not actually a spice, but a composition of different spices. Turmeric is the spice that provides the yellow color. In addition, it is the herb whose stains are very difficult to remove.

Turmeric contains, among other things, bitter substances. You also taste that if you would eat turmeric like this. It may not sound so good, but it is a necessary substance to lose weight. These substances prevent hunger and at the same time ensure that you are full faster. The curcumin component also ensures that fat cells are broken down and the build-up of new fat cells is prevented.

2. Black pepper

Chances are you've heard of the fact that black pepper helps with weight loss. Pepper helps the body to get warm. Ideal if you are a big cold ass like me. Precisely that heat ensures more combustion and that helps with weight loss. Incidentally, the body gets the heat from the places where the most fat is:read your belly and hips.

3. Spicy food:the hotter the better

Not only black pepper, but also chili helps if you want to lose weight. And the following applies:the hotter the better. So does sweat pour off your forehead when you eat because it's so spicy? Good! You are on the right track. The reason spicy food stimulates weight loss is because it increases your energy conversion. This means you burn more calories. So put spicy meals on the table more often.

4. Cinnamon as the ultimate aid for your blood sugar level

When most people think of cinnamon, they think of Christmas or pancakes with sugar and cinnamon. But did you know that cinnamon is a very good spice for weight loss? This is because cinnamon makes you less hungry. The feeling of hunger decreases and your blood sugar level is also maintained. Incidentally, cinnamon has another advantage:if you are very cold, cinnamon will make you warmer.

Disclaimer:use Ceylon cinnamon! Make sure to use the cinnamon in the morning. Cinnamon can have a stimulating effect. If you take this in the evening you can lie awake. A teaspoon of cinnamon in the yogurt tastes excellent.

5. Ginger

I've written about it before, but ginger is a real all-rounder. Besides the fact that ginger helps with bad breath, you can also use ginger against nausea and as a natural pain reliever. This herb is also indispensable for weight loss. That's because ginger fuels the metabolism, so you burn more calories. Add to this the fact that it has a detoxifying effect and you have a superfood at home.

Disclaimer:Ginger is a blood thinner! Keep this in mind if you use blood thinners yourself, then ginger is a no-go.

6. Cloves

Perhaps not the first herb that comes to mind when you want to lose a few pounds. Still, cloves can help with this process. In the first two to three weeks you usually lose a lot of weight quickly. That's because the body gets rid of excess water first. To aid in this process and facilitate the removal of excess moisture, you can use cloves. The active substances in cloves speed up the process of moisture removal from your body.

7. Cumin in the fight against excess kilos

Did you know that cumin contains so-called phytosterols? These substances not only lower your total and LDL cholesterol, but are also able to dissolve fat. This makes the spice a bit like the aforementioned turmeric and black pepper. Incidentally, it is also the perfect herb for a good gastrointestinal function.