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3 symptoms you don't have to worry about

3 symptoms you don t have to worry about

Your body gives signals and you have to take them seriously. However, there is not always a reason to immediately sound the alarm.

In the May issue of Santé (in stores from April 19) you can read about six symptoms that you should not ignore. In addition, here we share three symptoms that you usually don't have to worry about right away.

1. Sudden pain in your lower back
Spit is very painful and can make you feel quite lousy. It is often caused by overuse and usually passes within six weeks.

2. Bright red blood in your stool
Note it concerns blood at your stool, not ín your stool. If there is blood in your stool, this usually indicates hemorrhoids or a wound in the anus. If it persists for weeks, then go to the doctor.

3. Very heavy periods
A heavy period is very annoying, but in most cases it does not indicate anything serious. Watch out for anemia.

Do you have multiple complaints, do the complaints persist for a long time or are you in doubt whether you should visit the GP? When in doubt, always consult your doctor for advice.