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Write about your worry! Have a good conversation with yourself

Welcome, we travel a little further on the worry train. Did you manage to focus on the positive last week? Keep this up!

This week I want to talk about writing about your worry. Psychologists are convinced that keeping a diary not only reduces your stress and anxiety, but also decreases your negative and depressive feelings.

Write about your worry! Have a good conversation with yourself

When I had to spend months in bed after my surgery went wrong, I tried writing against the worry. And I have to admit that this worked really well for me! The moment I wrote it down, it was enough to get it out of my head.

Writing helps you organize your thoughts and helps you find what exactly is bothering you. It gives your brain a rest because your worrying thoughts have been given a place on paper. You can rest assured that you will never forget it. That way you can get rid of those negative thoughts.

Write down dreams and wishes

Also write down your dreams and wishes. Which one can you already realize? What do you have to do specifically for that? Writing makes it easier to find out where you are stuck. Ask the why question! Are they things you can change?

Stop yourself and say STOP to your worrying out loud!

Seek distraction, turn your attention to something else. Go for a walk or do some housework, do a puzzle, watch some TV,… Concentration combined with physical exertion is the ideal distraction. Try to postpone your worrying until the worrying quarter.

What is a worry quarter?

A fixed moment in the day that you are allowed to worry, this to avoid worrying all day long. Don't plan this worry moment just before bedtime. If the worrying thoughts come up at other times of the day, just write down the subject. Then you can write more about it during your worry time. Don't make it too cozy while worrying. No chips or sweets, not under a cozy blanket in the sofa. Just sit up straight in a chair and brood for 15 minutes. You don't have to read the lyrics you wrote again. And most of the time you won't need it. I had also made an agreement with my housemates that they would not read in my worrisome notebook. Then you shouldn't hide it 😊

Do you tend to worry a lot during the day, put a rubber band on your wrist and give yourself a tap with the elastic so that the distraction stops.

In my diary “I think I think too much” there is room to write. But most of all I want to focus on the positive. That is why there are fill-in sheets that are mainly focused on the positive. When you fill this in just before going to sleep, you will be inclined to dream about nice things that you experienced and you will also have an eye for your own talents and strengths. Questions like these will keep you from worrying:“I would love to play this game from my childhood again….”  “The funniest moment of the day was…” “The best compliment I got was…” “I I am proud of…”  “I ​​am grateful for…” This is important for your self-confidence! The better you feel in your own skin, the less you will worry! Good luck writing!

