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Is your house making you sick?

Is your house making you sick?

The Dutch would sometimes become ill due to an unhealthy living environment. We give tips to make your home healthier.

On average, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors. In addition to a lack of vitamin D, an unhealthy climate in the house can also cause other complaints.

The three biggest problems in Dutch houses are too little natural ventilation, too little daylight and moisture.

A number of measures you can take to make your home a healthier living environment:

1. Ventilate your home
Those few cracks in the windows are not enough and that fifteen minutes in which you open the door is not enough. You actually have to ventilate throughout the day. Read our tips to ventilate your home.

2. Keep your bed clean
After about two years, about 10 percent of the weight of your pillow will consist of dust mite droppings. We don't want to know. Don't just try to keep the climate in your bedroom healthy, pay attention to your bed too.

3. Use an extractor hood when cooking
Cooking creates a lot of vapor and moisture in the air. By switching on the extractor hood during cooking, you prevent this to a very large extent.

4. Dry the laundry outside
Drying the laundry in the house can increase the humidity in the house. Air that is too dry in the house is not good, but too much humidity ensures, among other things, that molds thrive in the house.

5. Provide daylight in the house
Nice and easy to leave the curtains closed all day. Not smart, because daylight is good for your health and it supports your day and night rhythm. Still, take the trouble to open them.

6. Decorate your home with plants
A little greenery in the house is nice. Choose a philodendron or another plant that purifies the air.

7. Don't forget the climate at work
You spend eight hours a day at work. Therefore, try to actively improve the climate at work.

Read also: 8 ways to detox your home