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Healthy tips from Yvonne Nauta

Healthy tips from Yvonne Nauta

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Today skater Yvonne Nauta shares some healthy tips.

Yvonne:'Use goat's dairy instead of cow's milk
Goat dairy has all kinds of advantages. Goat's milk is a good source of high-quality protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is easier to digest than cow's milk and all the nutrients it contains are well absorbed by your body. It tastes different from cow's milk, less sweet, but you get used to it quickly I often use goat's milk in my oatmeal breakfast.

Take your sports moment in the morning
Exercise in the morning instead of in the evening after work. Exercise may cost you physical energy, but remember that it also gives you a lot of energy. Especially if you have some start-up problems, it is recommended to grab those running shoes right away. Once ready, you can start the day fresh.'