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the worry policy

the worry policy

It's hard to stop worrying. And that while we mainly worry about things over which we have no influence at all. Only in 4 percent of the cases do we worry about something we can change ourselves.

Swallow, that means that we worry a lot unnecessarily. Even when you realize that worrying is unnecessary, it's hard to stop. When you consider that worrying is related to depression, anxiety disorders and binge eating, you understand why it is so difficult to stop.

Marleen Derks, author of the book Never More Worrying, opened the first Piekerpoli in the Netherlands last week in Zoetermeer. She offers anti-worrying treatment consisting of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral therapy.

Combination for more chance of effect
Usually only one of the three treatments is offered. By tackling thoughts, feelings and behavior within one therapy, there is a greater chance that worrying will effectively reduce.