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The day of sleep

The day of sleep

Did you know that today is internationally dominated by sleep? Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley provides useful tips for a good night's sleep for the occasion.

A good night's sleep depends not only on how many hours of sleep you get, but also on its quality. It is important that both body and mind are relaxed. Some tips to achieve such an optimal night's sleep:

1. No naps during the day
Stop taking afternoon naps and avoid very large evening meals † Also try to stay away from products like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol right before bedtime.

2. Go outside
Make sure to go outside every now and then. Fresh air and daylight help regulate your biorhythm that makes you feel tired at night.

3. Exercise during the day
Efforts during the day, both physically and mentally, help to sleep well. Be careful not to exert yourself too much in the evening. It is best to have 6 hours between exercise and going to bed. Also relaxation exercises before going to bed, such as yoga or breathing exercises are a good start to an optimal night's sleep.

4. End your day 30 minutes before going to bed
In this way you give your body the signal that it is time to go to sleep † No television, phone calls or computer and avoid emotional conversations right before going to bed.

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5. Provide a comfortable sleeping environment
So use a bedroom only to relax and sleep † So remove all things that can distract you, such as a television and/or computer. Also make sure your room is dark, quiet and not too hot or too cold. It is also important that your bed is large enough.

6. Get up if you can't sleep
When you for more than fifteen minutes If you are awake all the time, it can be good to get out of bed and do something. Go back to bed if you do feel tired.

7. Get enough sleep
Did you know it's a myth that you need 8 hours of sleep? Everyone needs different hours of sleep, but between 3 and 11 hours is considered best † But beware:sleeping less than you need can cause major problems. Even an hour less sleep than you actually need can have major effects on your physical, mental and emotional health.