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The 10 Things You Absolutely Need to Stop Worrying About.

The 10 Things You Absolutely Need to Stop Worrying About.

STOP:stop worrying about everything and nothing!

When you worry, it comes from a good feeling. Basically, we worry about something or someone.

But it's a feeling that can quickly become nerve-wracking — and make us constantly stressed out .

Are you also dragging this heavy mental burden? Don't know how to get rid of it anymore?

To lead a peaceful life, here are the 10 things to stop worrying about.

The 10 Things You Absolutely Need to Stop Worrying About.

1. What others think

Be yourself. Do things your own way. Be crazy!

Do what feels right to you, but don't care what other people think.

After all, it's about YOUR life, YOUR decisions and YOUR choices .

Judging others is natural human behavior — but that doesn't mean it has to affect you!

The only person who can truly define you is yourself. Let others waste their time judging you, if it amuses them.

When you care about what other people say, you live your life according to THEIR expectations and not YOURS!

2. Mistakes of the past

We've all done something stupid at least once in our life. Besides, making mistakes is part of life.

But that doesn't mean you have to be too hard on yourself.

Accept this truth:You can't be successful every time. It's part of the human condition.

So be kinder to yourself and learn to forgive yourself more often.

3. Failure

Failure. For many people, this word carries a lot of weight. It's a notion they fear.

But why ? It totally depends on how you perceive failure.

If for you "I failed" is synonymous with "I'm not perfect", it's very simple:you will never find happiness.

A much healthier way to define failure is to associate it with giving up. If you haven't given up, it's not a failure.

Tell yourself that failure is part of the learning curve . That it is part of a process of trial and error.

That's when you'll understand that failure is your friend — because it's a step towards success!

4. What you don't have

By default, we tend to want what we don't have, instead of being satisfied with what we have.

This way of thinking will not help you become careless.

If we focus on what we don't have, we will always have the feeling of being deprived of something.

Why think like this? Better to show off what you have!

Why torture your mind thinking about all those things you don't have?

Free yourself from this way of thinking, because it does not generate any positive aspect.

Try the following exercise instead:Write a list of all the things in your life for which you are grateful.

You will quickly realize that we have nothing to envy you.

Tell yourself once and for all that there are always people who have more things than you. Just as there are people who own less than you.

What you have is enough, right?

5. Be concerned with uncertainties

We can go crazy when we worry about what MIGHT happen in the future.

No one can predict the future. Not even Madame Irma! :-)

Therefore, worrying about something the outcome of which is not certain is of absolutely no use — except to torture yourself!

In addition, when you worry unnecessarily, you waste your energy and lose sight of your goals.

Our advice:Confront your concerns directly.

If the problem can be solved right now, then go for it! But if there's nothing to do right now, put the problem aside and go have fun instead! Better to deal with the problem at the right time than to waste time worrying.

The 10 Things You Absolutely Need to Stop Worrying About.

6. Waiting for an event to be happy

Waiting for an event to be happy is dangerous. It's like putting your life on hold until the event happens maybe .

Putting your life on hold is a huge risk and above all, it means missing out on lots of moments of happiness.

You'd better live in the moment and stop thinking about what your happiness would be like in a hypothetical future.

Make the decision to be happy NOW, today.

Tell yourself that happiness is not a destination, but rather a means of transport!

7. The regrets

Regrets are part of life. You can't undo what's been done.

It is best to approach our regrets from a philosophical point of view.

What lessons have you learned from your mistakes?

If you have learned to never repeat a mistake (or approach it in a different way), then the result is positive.

Learn to accept what is. Be tolerant of human error. And finally:move on!

8. Rejection

Some people dread rejection so much that they choose to stay in a comfort zone, not venturing into true intimacy.

Try to wear your heart on your sleeve, expose yourself, be vulnerable.

The more you try to hide and circumvent your fears, the bigger they will get.

Prove to yourself that you are capable of expressing your emotions and accepting the consequences.

This is how you will conquer your fear of rejection and take one step closer to being carefree.

What if the result is not what you expected? You'll soon realize that it's not as bad as you thought — and you might even be able to handle the rejection!

Try to be tougher, braver and see life for what it is:an adventure.

9. Society's expectations

According to society, if you want to be appreciated by everyone, you have to be:thin, beautiful, rich, influential, etc.

It's nonsense!

When we love and assume who we are, we don't need to justify ourselves to anyone.

Don't subscribe to the images constantly projected by the media. These images are often retouched, to make us believe that we all have to be perfect.

Try not to take these images to heart — though it's (arguably) arguable that they're nice to look at.

Never forget that these images are so altered that they do not represent reality.

Our advice:love yourself as you are, even with your little imperfections :-) Self-acceptance is the acceptance of freedom.

10. Being “good”

We live in a society that values ​​competitiveness. It's normal if sometimes you don't feel up to a task or a goal.

It's also normal and, even, healthy to seek personal improvement and growth.

On the other hand, this initiative becomes unhealthy when one has the impression of not being "good enough".

ALWAYS challenge this way of thinking. What does “good” really mean? Where is the international rule that stipulates when one is "good" or not?

Are you happy with who you are, where you are in life, and how far you've come? Congratulations, because these are the only criteria that determine if you are "good"!


We all tend to worry unnecessarily. These worries only create sadness and pain.

Now that you have discovered the 10 things to stop doing, we encourage you to remove them from your list of worries now! :-)

We hope this will help you. Do you know any other things you should stop doing? Please feel free to share your comments. We can't wait to read you! :-)