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Worrying:don't give the negative a chance

Welcome back to the worry train!

I gave you some more information about worrying last week. By now you know that thinking is not the same as worrying. And also why some people worry more than others!

The next station of the worry train is “don't give the negative a chance”

It is important that you do not give your brain the chance to focus on the negative. For example, focus on the little happinesses of every day.

It is important that you keep an eye on that, every day!

Worry:don't give the negative a chance

We often worry mainly out of insecurity and because we have too little self-confidence. When you mainly see the negative things in yourself, you also start to think negatively. Because the negative is then magnified!

Worryers are especially concerned about what others think about him or her. Try to avoid the negative people around you. Because without realizing it, you adopt the same way of thinking.

What if you are forced to have contact with those people? Keep the conversation short, informative and friendly. You can possibly make up an excuse such as “I have another appointment and can't stay long”. At work you can say that you have a lot of work. If they come up with a whole story, try changing the subject or ask the question:“WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT”?

It's very easy to think about all the things that could go wrong and worry about it. Try to think of everything that could go right. Did you know that the chance that it will go well is much greater than that it will go badly?

The future cannot be predicted. As likely as it may seem in your head. The future remains flexible!

If you notice that you once again assumed a certain scenario as truth, point out to yourself that this is not correct!

Do not follow all news items on TV, radio and multimedia, this way you can avoid a lot of negative information!

Have you had a bad day? Then look for the good out of that “bad” day!

We all know a day when “everything” went wrong:

You started the day oversleeping, you come to work and you find that your son's book bag is still in the back seat. To make matters worse, you discover at 12 noon that you didn't bring any sandwiches. Your boss asks if you can work a little longer and your colleague unabashedly says that you have recovered a bit….

Yet on that day there were also positive things, but you did not think about it, such as:the sun felt blissful through the window while you were working. It was a colleague's birthday and just treated you with your favorite chocolate. You received a sweet message from your friend,…

At the end of such a day, make a list of what you forgot to see on that bad day! I'm sure it will all feel less bad.

Try to apply these tips next week, you will notice that you are much more positive!

Kind regards,
