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How do you know if you have a healthy lifestyle?

How do you know if you have a healthy lifestyle?

Do the test! Answer with YES =well done.

Position 1
I make healthy choices to provide my body with energy and vitamins, not because I want to look toned and slim. Yes/No

This is really a fallacy. Grocery shopping and preparing your meals on the basis of slim and toned is not a good foundation. The scales and the mirror (the appearance) continue to play the leading role. This way, food will continue to dominate your day and your choices will mainly be based on low-carb, lean and light. As soon as you make your choices because your body is, cliché but true, your temple and sanctuary, you will make completely different choices, listen better to your body and you have much less need for snack attacks and flex moments. You know; slim and sleek is just a logical consequence.

Theorem 2
I (almost) never follow a strict nutrition program and/or a (21 days) challenge or diet. Yes/No

I understand that this is a good way to give a growth spurt to your motivation and results, but stop immediately once you are doing well. These kinds of programs ensure that your life is dominated by food (and your appearance).

Theorem 3
I sometimes forget to eat, but I always make up for it with a healthy meal. Yes/No

Forgetting to eat is funnily enough a good sign. You are not constantly working on it and other things in your life are also fun or important at that moment. However, there is a big difference between good and bad. People who forget to eat and then choose a quick (unhealthy) snack, eat because stress has the upper hand (=unhealthy). Forgetting to eat and then making up for it with a healthy meal is a sign that you understand.

Theorem 4
Exercise is very important to me, but I don't panic if I can't train for a while.

You have a (new) passion and enjoy it. But be careful not to pass out. Just like with food, you make the choice to exercise on the basis of taking care of and maintaining your body, not on the basis of compensating for after a weekend of eating or the fear of becoming fat. Recovery feels good too. If you don't panic because you can't exercise for a while, you know you're on the right track. Yes/No

Theorem 5
I can enjoy carefree. Yes/No

Can you? Carefree letting go of the strings? A nice drink with a cheese board and not feel guilty about it? Don't worry because you ate a greasy risotto or went all the way with sushi? As soon as you can enjoy carefree and are not synonymous with bunkering and drinking, you are on the right track.

Would you like to learn more about developing a healthy lifestyle? Order the Fitness Bible for Women book. The book guides you step by step to the right mindset.

Good luck!


How do you know if you have a healthy lifestyle?
This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

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