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Food &the holidays:tips

Food &the holidays:tips

Wonderful, the holidays! But very annoying if you notice on January 2 that your pants have become too tight. Marije from Fitness Bible for women gives tips.

Marije's tips

Don't eat all day Sitting at the table overcrowded is not pleasant. Enjoy, but stop on time. Cliché but true, eat in peace.

Choose savory over sweet Sugar makes you fat faster than fat. It tastes like more and it makes you tired, making you want to eat more.

The best tip:walk into the holidays
Did you know that many people get sick or suffer from aches and pains during Christmas? They run to get the work done and do Christmas shopping, and they relax at the Christmas table. Running or standing still is (sometimes) nice for the mind, our body thinks differently and protests. It disrupts our rhythm of life and complaints that we suppress in times of stress reveal themselves.

Walking is the ideal training to let your body gradually relax. It has a stress-reducing effect and brings your heart rate (and stress hormone) back into balance. This way you prevent complaints (such as reduced resistance, fatigue and nervousness) when you relax.

Make a list
Are you happy? What could be improved or would you like to change? The end of the year is the ideal time to make new plans. The following command helps. On one side you put WILL on the other side MUST. Analyze your life. What do you want from yourself and what would you like? Put it together. Could the list be shorter? And what constitutes wanting to become reality? Make plans and go for it. Why should you wait? Follow your heart!

On my website you will find more tips, delicious recipes and you can order the book. Fitness Bible is the ideal Christmas gift to receive and give. The six-week program is perfect to start right after the holidays.

Happy holidays and super healthy and fit 2015!

Food &the holidays:tips
This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

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