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Legal Standards for Salt Reduction

Legal Standards for Salt Reduction

85 percent of the Dutch eat more than the recommended amount of 6 grams of salt. Most people are not aware of this and that has to change.

Today is World Kidney Day, which is why the Kidney Foundation uses this day to draw attention to our salt use. The self-regulation of the food industry is not effective enough against excessive salt consumption. The Non-Stichting wants legal standards to be drawn up. Eating too much salt is unhealthy:it raises blood pressure, but also has a harmful effect on the kidneys.

Grip on salt
The Grip on salt campaign aims to increase awareness about our salt use. A Salt Book is launched, where you can see how much salt a product contains and various leaflets and stickers that help you reduce your salt consumption. For more information, visit

Have you read our tips on eating less salt yet?