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Bloated feeling? You can eat this to prevent it

Bloated feeling? You can eat this to prevent it

Unhealthy food and stress can inflate your belly to the size of a hot air balloon. Handy to know what you can eat to counteract that unpleasant feeling.


Made up of 95 percent water, celery helps flush your gut, is anti-inflammatory and detoxifies. Celery (juice) is full of good nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is best to drink celery as a juice. You make this by taking one stalk of celery and cutting the stalks loose. Wash the stems and leaves well to remove any sand. Cut into pieces and put them in a juicer. Squeeze other ingredients for flavor, such as lemon, if desired. It is best to drink celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

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A major cause of bloating is stone fruits, such as plums, peaches and mango. Strawberries, on the other hand, are high in fiber and low in fructose (sugars that can cause stomach problems). A healthy choice if your belly 'inflates' quickly.

Gluten-free alternatives

Grains and gluten can cause bloating. Gluten-free alternatives to wheat, for example, are pure oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour and coconut flour.