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What can you do for heartburn?

What can you do for heartburn?

According to the Nutrition Center, no less than 25 percent of the population suffers from heartburn every month and 5 percent suffers from this on a daily basis. Santé has 4 solutions.

1. Reduce the pressure in your abdomen

Between your stomach and esophagus is a sphincter that prevents your stomach contents from reaching your esophagus. If this does not work properly, stomach acid can rise and that gives a burning feeling. It can be annoying and harmful if you regularly suffer from this. One of the causes is increased pressure in your abdomen.

This is how you do it

Increased pressure in your abdomen can have various causes:tight clothing (unbutton your pants), overweight (try to lose some weight), blockage in your intestines (eat enough fiber), pregnancy (nothing to do about the increased pressure, unfortunately ) and eating a large, heavy meal (prefer to eat several small portions spread over the day).

Read also: ‘What is heartburn?‘

2. Check your diet

Certain foods are associated with heartburn, such as some herbs and fruits. It is not yet sufficiently proven that it has a beneficial effect if you avoid these foods, but you can of course try.

This is how you do it

Fatty foods, spicy herbs, onions, citrus fruits (such as lemon and mandarin), peppermint, strong tea, coffee, and chocolate are not recommended if you are prone to heartburn. Alcohol and nicotine would also have a relaxing effect on the sphincter between your esophagus and stomach.

Go to the doctor

Your stomach has a protective layer against acid, but your esophagus does not. If you regularly suffer from heartburn, your esophagus can become damaged and inflamed. If you suffer from it for a longer period of time and the rules of life do not work, visit your doctor.

How it works

Medication against heartburn can have various effects:laying a protective layer on the esophagus, making stomach acid less acid, inhibiting stomach acid production or promoting the functioning of your esophagus and stomach muscles. If the doctor has doubts about the cause of your complaints, a visual examination or a 24-hour acidity measurement can be performed, in which the pH value in your esophagus is determined.

Do not lie down or bend down immediately after eating

Rising stomach acid can cause a painful burning sensation behind your breastbone. You can also suffer from an irritated throat, cough, belching, belching, swallowing problems and the feeling of a lump in your throat. You can partly prevent these complaints by paying attention to your posture after a meal.

This is how you do it

Do not lie down on the couch immediately after a meal. In a horizontal position, stomach acid flows more easily into your esophagus. It is better to omit bending for a while, rather bend your knees. Try not to eat three hours before going to bed or raise the head of your bed ten centimeters, to prevent that you still suffer from heartburn in bed.

Source:Santé January 2020, Text Mara Ruijter