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That's why you should use sweet chestnuts for your health

It is autumn, the time of chestnuts. Many people know that you can eat sweet chestnuts. But most are not aware of the health benefits of sweet chestnuts. For example, did you know that these work very well against rheumatism and stuck mucus? That's why you should use sweet chestnuts for your health

What are sweet chestnuts?

Before discussing the health benefits of sweet chestnuts, a brief explanation of what sweet chestnuts actually are will be given. There are two types of chestnuts:the wild (Aesculus hippocastanum)  and the domestic variety (Castanea sativa) . Only the sweet chestnuts are suitable for consumption and can be used for your health. By the way, the sweet chestnut belongs to the beech family.

You can recognize sweet chestnuts by the following points:

  • Elongated, serrated leaves in the shape of a bird's feather
  • Bolster with many fine spines
  • The husk contains two to three small chestnuts that look a lot like a hazelnut

Health benefits of sweet chestnuts

Castanea sativa has numerous health benefits. Sweet chestnut includes:

  • Vitamins B1 and B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
  • Folic acid
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Linoleic acid

It is also a healthy source of protein and fiber. Furthermore, the sweet chestnut contains a low cholesterol level, which can actually lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

That's why you should use sweet chestnuts for your health

Precisely because of the substances mentioned above, you should really take advantage of the season now and use Castanea sativa. Below is a list of when and how you can use sweet chestnuts for your health.

Tip in advance:if you pick chestnuts, do not use them immediately. Leave it for 7 – 10 days to enjoy it to the fullest. Keeping them in the fridge will keep them good for longer.


In the past, chestnut was used to relieve the pains of rheumatism. The sweet chestnut (only the inside) was made into powder. This powder was boiled up with water. When the mixture had cooled to lukewarm it was used to rub the painful areas (1x a day). All vitamins and minerals that penetrate directly into the skin reduce rheumatic pain.

Fun fact:in the past a wild chestnut was also carried in the pocket to prevent rheumatism and back pain.

Muscle pain and joint pain

By the way, a mixture made from chestnut powder does not only help against rheumatism. If you dry and grind chestnuts into a powder and bring this powder to a boil with water, you can also apply the mixture to areas where you suffer from muscle and joint pain.

Healthy and elastic blood vessels

As mentioned earlier, sweet chestnut contains good cholesterol. This one is even able to tackle bad cholesterol. By eating Castanea sativa you can remove plaque, so that you get healthy and elastic blood vessels.

Good digestion, healthy nervous system and good resistance

Especially in this time a good resistance is of great importance. After all, there are already warnings about the coming flu season with all its consequences. Therefore, tackle your immune system now, so that you are prepared for autumn and winter. Because sweet chestnuts contain vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, this is indispensable if you want to build up a good resistance.

Not only good for your resistance, but also very good for your digestion and the nervous system.

Good for bones and metabolism

Substances such as manganese are indispensable for the formation of bone tissue. The same goes for phosphorus. In addition, both substances are indispensable for the body as they support a good metabolism and protect the body against oxidative stress.

Dissolving stuck mucus and good for asthma

If you go out to pick or gather chestnuts, take a few leaves of the sweet chestnut with you as well. You can use these leaves for stuck mucus. Make tea from the leaves to dissolve mucus. You can also use this tea if you suffer from respiratory infections.

To prepare the tea, take a handful of fresh chestnut leaves and half a handful of dried chestnut leaves. You use this to make 1 liter of tea. You can drink 3 cups of chestnut tea per day.

Dry skin

Do you suffer from dry skin? Don't a lot of creams from the store seem to help? Then try it with puree made from sweet chestnut. Thanks to all the minerals and vitamins, your skin is optimally nourished and provided with the necessary nutrients.

Did you know all these health benefits of sweet chestnuts?