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National Compliment Day:Give a compliment to another mother

Today is National Compliment Day. The initiators of this day call on everyone to give three people in your own environment a heartfelt compliment on this day. Good idea!

And so 'we' at MamsatWork call on all mothers to give at least one compliment to another mother today. Your own mother that you are so proud of, your girlfriend with three children who always walks out of her feet or that mother of your child's boyfriend where he can always play with great pleasure. Which mother do you give a well-deserved compliment on March 1th?

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A compliment is free, but the effect is priceless

Giving a compliment to someone else seems so obvious, but according to the initiators of the National Compliment Day, we still don't do it enough. And that while a compliment actually costs nothing, but has a priceless effect on someone else.

I can still see myself walking with a toddler, a toddler and a baby. Tired of the broken nights, I dragged myself to the playgroup and kindergarten. I can't remember anyone complimenting me for holding all the balls high (sorry if my memory failed me. Let's just say gestational dementia;)). How nice is it when you hear from someone that you are doing well. That someone thinks it's clever how you keep all those balls in the air?

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I'll be the first to admit she doesn't compliment other moms much. I don't really know why. Too busy? Am I not thinking about it? A shame, because a compliment not only makes the recipient feel good, but also the giver. You don't really need National Compliment Day for that. Not that I'm saying you should compliment your own self-image, by the way. You give a compliment for someone else.

What requirements should a compliment meet?

You give a compliment personally and in the I-form. Do you not dare to say it or do you not see each other often? Then you can also write the feather on a card or send an email, text message or app. It is important that it is a genuine compliment. So don't say that the mother looks so gorgeous in her gray sweatpants when it falls around her like a worn out cover 😉 .

Knowing more? In this article you will read that it is not always easy to give a compliment.

Read also: giving compliments is difficult

10 X a compliment for a mother on National Compliment Day

Can't think of a topic for a boost on National Compliment Day? Below is a list of examples to help you on your way:

  • I would like to let you know that I think it is clever of you to deal with the hustle and bustle of a (large) family.
  • I think you always react so calmly when your toddler is screaming on the floor. More mothers should take an example from this.
  • I think you look great today! Your hair is so beautiful, what a nice coat you are wearing, etcetera.
  • How do you always keep your house nice and clean (and how do you do that?).
  • I think it's so good of you to make time for yourself!
  • So nice to see you crafting with your child so much.
  • How good of you that you regularly set aside time to do fun things with your partner.
  • I admire your dedication to school.
  • I admire you pursuing your ambitions.
  • How wonderful that you are so hard on your children.

And of course there are many more things you can compliment a mother on, and not just on National Compliment Day 😉 .

Which mother deserves your praise and why?

You probably know a mother who deserves a big compliment. A mom who never fishes for a compliment, but always just does what she has to do. Or one that stands along the sports field in all weathers to encourage her child. A mother who cares about her child. A mom who works or doesn't work. Every good mom deserves a compliment, but who deserves your special kudos? Let us know in a comment below which mother deserves your boost and why!

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