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Flossing increases the chance of pregnancy

Flossing increases the chance of pregnancy

Funny:women who want to get pregnant benefit from flossing a lot.

A wish for children? Then take care of very healthy gums , a new study recommends. Scientists from the University of Western Australia explain that as with obesity, poor oral hygiene can delay conception by two months

The study shows that women with gum inflammation it takes an average of seven months to get pregnant. For women with healthy teeth, this is five months † The researchers studied 3,500 women and found that those with gum disease had elevated levels of inflammatory markers in their blood. had.

Chain reaction
According to the Australian researchers, these inflammations in the mouth lead to chain reactions in the body that may impair normal functioning. Flossing for healthy gums and a faster pregnancy, the researchers recommend.

Shocking:one in three pregnant women do not feel treated decently at work>
