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These activities increase the chance of good health

These activities increase the chance of good health

You don't necessarily have to be sporty to stay healthy.

A Scottish study shows that dancing (okay, quite sporty) and cultural activities can make a positive contribution to your health. Some discoveries from the research:

– Those who had attended a cultural activity in the past year were 60 percent more likely to have good health than those who did not.
– Those who participated in a cultural activity themselves were 38 percent more likely to have a good health health.
– A visit to the library increased the chance of good health by 20 percent.
– The theatergoers were 25 percent more likely to be in good health.
– Those who had a book read, were 33 percent more likely to be in good health.

Nothing tiring about it!

Source:Telegraaf/Woman – Image:Shutterstock