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Why men don't like going to the doctor

Why men don t like going to the doctor

Men and doctors:that is often not a good combination. This is again apparent from recent research, which shows why men do not like going to the doctor.

A whopping 72 percent of the men surveyed would rather do household chores, such as cleaning the toilet, than going to the doctor. About 65 percent try to put off a visit to a doctor as long as possible and 20 percent admit they don't tell a doctor everything. 37 percent of the participants also withhold information about ailments from the past, because they are afraid of the result of a new diagnosis.

Read also: '5 questions the doctor often asks'


There is a risk if men delay a visit to a doctor, or even don't go and if they go, they don't tell everything.

Why do men avoid the doctor?

Experts cite several reasons. For example, one doctor says that many men have an attitude like "I don't need a doctor." This feeling may arise from the fact that men often have the idea that an ailment will go away on its own and that they do not want to bother a doctor in the meantime.

Another expert says it could be a number of things:

  • Fear:they are afraid they will get a bad result.
  • Superhero Syndrome:Men like to see themselves as strong and capable of anything. A visit to a doctor is considered weak.
  • Being vulnerable is stupid:men find it very difficult to be vulnerable. Especially when it comes to problems such as erectile dysfunction. They prefer to ignore these kinds of problems, even if a visit to a doctor can solve the problem.

How can you get men to the doctor?

By not seeing a doctor and avoiding an ailment, you could run the risk of a worsening or unnecessarily long time for an ailment.

Experts have given tips to help men see a doctor more often:

  • Offer to go together:so if you want to have your blood tested, for example, bring your partner with you to have the same done.
  • Hospitals should provide more information about typical male ailments and the importance of having them examined. And this information should be available in places men frequent, such as hairdressers, gyms or clubs.