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10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Do you know the famous quote from Hippocrates?

"Walking is the best medicine for man".

If you combine walking with good sleep and a healthy diet... you're putting the odds in your favor to avoid regular visits to the doctor.

And you don't need to hike daily to enjoy the benefits of walking, just 15 to 30 minutes of daily walking !

It's a great habit to get into, because it's easy, free and not very tiring.

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

To convince you, here are 10 things that happen to your body when you walk every day . Watch:

1. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

According to a study, walking, like all physical exercises with a low impact on the body, has a preventive action against early dementia. It limits the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Overall, we can say that walking has a positive effect on mental health in general. Without forgetting that this physical activity reduces stress and produces a greater quantity of the famous happiness hormone, endomorphine.

To discover: 11 Simple Remedies To Eliminate Stress In Just A Few Minutes.

2. Improves eyesight

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

What is the link between eyesight and legs, you ask me? As surprising as it may seem, walking improves visual health. By reducing the pressure on the eyes, it helps fight against glaucoma. This is also true for any type of physical activity in general.

To discover: Tired eyes? 5 Grandma's Remedies You Should Know.

3. Prevents heart disease

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

According to the American Heart Association, walking is just as effective as running in preventing heart disease or stroke. Walking helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and also improves blood circulation. This helps to limit the risk of heart attacks. CQFD!

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4. Increases lung volume

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Walking is an aerobic physical exercise. That is to say, it increases the consumption of oxygen by the body. Therefore, it also increases the flow of oxygen in the blood and strengthens the lungs. It also helps to better eliminate toxins and waste. By breathing better, certain symptoms due to lung diseases are relieved.

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5. Reduces the risk of diabetes

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

The pancreas also benefits from the benefits of walking. Although it may seem surprising, walking is more effective than running in preventing diabetes. A study has in fact shown that, over a period of 6 months, a group of walkers improved their glucose tolerance (concerning sugar absorption) almost 6 times better than a group of runners.

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6. Aids digestion

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Walking 30 minutes a day helps reduce the risk of colon cancer, improves digestion and limits the risk of constipation by regulating bowel movements.

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7. Tones muscles and promotes weight loss

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Walking tones muscles and promotes weight loss. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a great habit, especially if you vary the speed and alternate inclines and climbs. And you don't need to live in the countryside to take your 10,000 steps! You can walk down the street just fine. This exercise has a low impact on the spine and does not require significant recovery time. This limits the risk of muscle aches and pains.

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8. Strengthens bones and joints

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Walking every day also has a positive effect on the joints, because they are not stressed as much as when running. It is also a great way to prevent bone loss which increases the risk of bone fractures. Walking also reduces joint pain, muscle stiffness and inflammation. It's not without reason that the American Arthritis Foundation also recommends walking 30 minutes a day.

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9. Relieves back pain

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Back pain is the evil of the century. A simple back pain can become very painful and disabling. Walking can be a real cure for anyone with back pain. Since walking is a low-impact activity, it causes less damage than running or an intensive cardio program. Walking stimulates blood circulation in the spinal cord, improves posture and flexibility. So many determining elements for a healthy spine.

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10. Calms the mind and eliminates stress

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day.

Admittedly, the mind cannot be considered an organ... But the fact remains that walking reduces the symptoms of depression in people who suffer from it. So, if you have a little blues, are tired or bored, walking can really help you. Walking around with friends can only bring you pleasure and happiness. And it will be easier for you to see things on the bright side!

And if we managed to convince you of the benefits of walking on your health, put on your sneakers and know that a pair of hiking poles further improves all these benefits!