That's it, have you finally decided to quit Diet Coke? Here's a good idea!
Maybe it's to melt your extra pounds? Maybe the long list of questionable ingredients made you say STOP!
Or maybe you've heard this phrase one too many times:"diet sodas are really unhealthy ! »
Whatever the reason, eliminating diet sodas from your diet is highly beneficial to your body , from head to toe!
Scientific research into the negative impacts of diet soda on your health is still in its infancy.
But they are already enough to understand the things that happen when you stop drinking diet soda. Watch:
If you thought quitting diet soda was going to cause headaches, think again. Now that you've ditched diet soda, chances are you'll see another benefit:greater clarity of mind .
According to some studies, this is because diet drinks contain aspartame. This artificial sweetener disrupts the balance of neurotransmitters, nerve signals as well as the brain's reward system. In fact, aspartame is associated with headaches, anxiety and insomnia.
According to another study, when lab mice drink diet soda, it causes significant damage to the cells and nerve endings in their cerebellum — the part of the brain that controls motor skills.
To discover: The Aspirin-Free Remedy for Headaches and Migraines.
No, it's not just your imagination. Since you no longer drink diet soda, meals have even more flavor . You have rediscovered your sensitivity to the subtle tastes of each recipe. It's as if you were rediscovering the pleasure of tasting and enjoying a good dish!
That's because diet soda is loaded with artificial sweeteners that bombard your taste buds with a surge of sweet taste.
Indeed, did you know that aspartame tastes 200 times sweeter than powdered sugar? As for sucralose (marketed under the name Canderel), its taste is 600 times sweeter than powdered sugar. Impressive!
Using magnetic resonance imaging, researchers have been able to study the effects of diet soda sweeteners on the brain. Their findings indicate that drinking diet soda alternates brain receptors associated with the taste of sweetness and that, contrary to popular belief, sweeteners increase our craving for sweet foods!
According to Dr Bainbridge, a nutrition expert at Columbia University Medical Center in the United States, “When patients eliminate diet sodas, we find that they also change their snacking habits. »
“Instead of snacking on candies or crackers (chips, pretzels, etc.), these patients choose to eat an apple or a small piece of cheese instead. And if these patients try to drink diet soda again, they find it terribly sweet. »
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Like most people, you probably thought that drinking diet soda could help you. to lose weight. But in reality, it is by stopping drinking this type of drink you can actually start melting off your extra pounds!
Indeed, according to this study, adults who drink diet soda continue to accumulate fat in the adipose tissue of the abdomen - the famous "love handles". This confirms the results of another study which indicates that drinking diet soda daily increases your risk of becoming obese by 65% in the next 10 years.
Finally, a study published in the scientific journal Diabetes Care indicates that daily diet soda consumption is directly linked to an increase in metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure and high triglycerides) — a condition associated with heart disease and diabetes.
To discover: 20 ZERO Calorie Foods To Help You Lose Weight.
Eliminating diet soda from your diet has a huge health benefit:it strengthens your bones and reduces the risk of a fracture. According to a study conducted in 2014, drinking Diet Coke increases the risk of femoral neck fracture by 14% for postmenopausal women.
Another study found that women who drink Diet Coke have lower hip bone mineral density. It's still hard to explain precisely why Diet Coke has these adverse effects, but research clearly indicates that frequent diet soda consumption can significantly weaken your bones.
Dr. Bainbridge has found that people who consume Diet Coke practice faulty dietary logic. 'Cause they drink a diet soda without calorie, many people think they can eat foods that are rich in calories (fries, cake, crisps, etc.).
Moreover, their choice is certainly not due to chance:low-fat sodas often accompany unhealthy foods. Dr. Bainbridge explains, “Most of the time, these bad food choices are bad habits that you have learned.
“By dint of drinking coke when eating crisps, fries or sweets, we condition ourselves to associate these types of foods. But there's good news:when you eliminate diet soda from your diet, you also eliminate the craving for all the unhealthy foods you associate with diet soda. »
To discover: 14 Habits That Make You Obese and Overweight.
Did you know that Diet Coke lowers your alcohol tolerance? According to an Australian study published in American Journal of Medicine , your body eliminates cocktails made with diet soda faster than those made with regular soda.
The result ? A significant increase in the concentration of alcohol in your blood. And watch out for the effects of caffeine!
According to a study published in the scientific journal Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research , people who drink diet soda cocktails get drunk more often and faster.
So, what is the best ingredient to hold alcohol well? It's simply sparkling water, which is naturally calorie-free and sugar-free. Therefore, favor cocktails made with sparkling water, such as spritzes, mojitos, gin fizz, etc. Always consume in moderation!
To discover: 11 Miracle Hangover Remedies.
One of the paradoxes of diet soda is that it causes a hold weight when you drink it to lose from weight. It's crazy though, isn't it? Our hormones may provide an explanation for this paradox, specifically our insulin levels.
A study published in the journal Diabetes Care reveals that drinking 2/3 of a can of diet soda before a meal stimulates the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin. However, one of the main functions of insulin is precisely the storage of fat .
Additionally, when the pancreas produces too much insulin to control your body's blood sugar levels, you are at risk of diabetes. In fact, according to a Japanese study, middle-aged men who drink 1 diet soda or more per day have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes within the next 7 years.
To discover: The Natural Diabetes Cure Scientists Now Approve.
Now that your body no longer has to assimilate the ingredients with the unpronounceable names of Diet Coke, your kidney function improves .
Your kidneys can return to their basic functions, namely:eliminating toxins from your body, regulating your blood pressure and assimilating essential minerals.
According to a Harvard University study, based on 11 years of data, women who drink 2 or more Diet Cokes a day double their risk of kidney failure.